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Numbers of pupils per hour of instruction in a secondary school in 2020 / Jean-Eric Thomas
Publication de la DEPP / Note d'information MEN
Edité par Ministère de l'Education nationale, de la jeunesse et des sports. Paris - 2021
As of the start of the 2020 school year, for one hour of lessons, a teacher in a secondary school faces an average of 22 pupils, a value that has remained stable for years. This number depends on the level: around 24 pupils on average for lower secondary school courses and for general and technological courses in upper secondary school, compared with less than 16 pupils for vocational courses in upper secondary school and less than 13 in Segpa (programmes for children with severe and persistent educational difficulties). In lower secondary school, the supervision conditions are more favourable for schools located in priority zones, with an average of 20.7 pupils per hour. In the last grades of the general upper secondary school (11th and 12th grades), about two out of three hours are taught in groups, not as a whole class. Before the upper secondary school reform, one hour out of two was taught in groups.